Chiropractic Specialties
Acupuncture | Clinical Nutrition | Internal Disorders | Neurology | Orthopedics | Sports | Radiology | Rehabilitation | and more!
Chiropractors address health conditions by primarily treating the back and neck. These health professionals believe the spine has a significant impact on one's health, thinking some health problems are caused by a misalignment of the spine and other joints. Chiropractors do not just treat an aching back; many practice a holistic approach to health care, addressing issues like allergies, asthma, blood pressure, bowel irregularity, headaches, ear infections, organ function, stress, etc.
Students preparing for a career in chiropractic medicine are classified as Pre-Chiropractic. To qualify for chiropractic school admission, students must take the necessary prerequisites for each school. Though a bachelor's degree is not required for admission to most, if not all, chiropractic schools, some states require a bachelor's degree to practice as a chiropractor. A degree can also better prepare one for the transition to a rigorous chiropractic curriculum. Please visit the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, FCLB, for a list of states requiring a bachelor's degree.
Which major should I select at UNT for a pre-chiropractic path?
Recommended majors for pre-chiropractic students at UNT:
- Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Allied Health or General Tracks, College of Education
- Bachelor of Arts in Biology, College of Science
For more information about each major, please visit the UNT Catalog and select 'majors, minors, certificates' that is found beneath the link to ‘Catalog Home’.
What courses do I need for chiropractic school?
Please refer to our Pre-Chiropractic Packet for a list of Texas chiropractic school prerequisites. To review prerequisites for chiropractic programs outside of Texas, please refer to each individual school's website.
Timeline: When do I apply to chiropractic school?
Admission requirements differ for each chiropractic school. We encourage you to meet with our academic advisor in the Office of Health Professions to review your individual timeline. Each student's timeline will be based on the required prerequisites, the chiropractic schools' admission deadlines, and if a bachelor's degree will be earned.
Call or come by for more information!
Office of Health Professions: 940-369-7500 | | Hickory Hall, Room 256
Do chiropractic schools require an entrance exam?
No, an entrance exam is not required for admission to a chiropractic school.
How do I apply to chiropractic school?
Each chiropractic school provides their own application. Chiropractic schools do not use a general application service to gather an applicant's information.
Are there any scholarships available to pre-chiropractic students?
Yes, the following scholarship is offered to pre-health students:
The Dr. Charles D. and Vernil Mitchell Endowed Scholarship
To be considered, a student must enroll as a full-time undergraduate student in any degree-granting major in the College of Science and be a graduate of any high school in Dallas ISD. For more information about this scholarship, please contact Todd Lang.
Additionally, general scholarships are offered to students through each department and college across campus. Below you will find scholarship webpages for the popular majors listed above:
- Kinesiology majors should click on the 'College of Education' link for more information.
- Biology Major Scholarships
If you do not see your major listed under one of the two colleges listed above, please visit the scholarship website of the college that houses your major.
What pre-health student organizations are there at UNT?
HERE you will find a list of health-related student organizations at UNT.
Professional Organizations and Resources
American Chiropractic Association
Texas Chiropractic Association
Explore Health Careers
Who can help me create a plan for this career path?
If you are a current student, please visit to schedule an appointment.
For general questions email:
To view contact information for individual pre-health advisors, visit this site. On the left, under "Office of Health Professions Pre-Health Advising" you will find all of the pre-health advisors' emails.
If you are a current student, join our canvas course to receive important announcements and view resources related to your pre-chiropractic journey.